On Friday, June 26, 2020, the D4D Institute held an informative discussion on the topic: “Women’s barriers in politics”, in the Municipality of Prizren. The purpose of holding this activity was to discuss the current situation and the challenges faced by the girls / women of this municipality during the election process.
Participants in this meeting were women from politics, civil society activists and the Municipal Election Office in Prizren. At the beginning of this meeting, some of the main points on the current situation were discussed. Further group work was held in order to discuss the motive for voting, the main barriers of women during the electoral process and the worthy representation of women during these processes.
During the discussion it was emphasized that in our society there are still prejudices for women’s political participation, as a result of the patriarchal mentality in society. Among other things, it was recommended to organize awareness campaigns on the concerns of this group in order to address these challenges more easily.