Media Monitoring During September-December


The purpose of the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) is to detect and counteract the proliferation of news characterized by information disorder, an escalating trend in the dissemination of distorted information.

The D4D Institute actively monitors online and social media platforms to identify news articles exhibiting information disorders. This is achieved through a dedicated monitoring platform that classifies articles into distinct categories, including developments in the north, Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, hate speech, online violence against women, political divisions, and international influence. Over 100 local, regional, and international online media outlets have been carefully selected for monitoring through this platform. The monitoring and analysis of articles with information disorder are carried out simultaneously in two language samples: Albanian and Serbian. Examples from both language samples were selected based on the content of the articles, covering disinformation, manipulation of facts, unverified content, false news, conspiracy theories, clickbait, hate speech, offensive language, threatening language, incitement, articles with tendentious titles, and one-sided reporting.

This report was drafted by the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) as part of the “Comprehensibility and Understandability of Information Disorder in Kosovo,” Project, supported by NDI and USAID in Kosovo. The content and views expressed in this document are the responsibility of the Democracy for Development Institute and do not necessarily reflect the position of NDI Kosovo