(Serbian below)
Democracy for Development (D4D) has organized a three-day workshop on “Electoral Law and Inter-Institutional Coordination in the Process of Election Processes”. Election administration institutions (Central Election Commission and Electoral Complains and Appeals Panel) and justice administration institutions (State Prosecutor, Kosovo Judicial Council and Kosovo Police) participated in the workshop, and joined the common goal of continuing the positive trend of improving the elections process.
The objective of the workshop was to ensure further joint activities of elections and justice institutions, as signatory parties to the Memorandum of Cooperation. In addition, a key objective was to identify the potential weaknesses and mitigate them prior to the next round of elections, and to ensure inter-institutional cooperation outside the electoral period.
Heads and representatives of these institutions stated that such cooperation is always welcome, as it facilitates and clarifies the work of each institution, and it also strengthens the inter-institutional cooperation which is essential in order for the electoral process to be assessed as regular and successful. According to the participants, successful practices in the electoral process must be strengthened, and more work is required to address the identified challenges.
Participants representing institutions had the opportunity to work in groups and draw lessons learned from electoral processes, achievements and challenges, and come up with recommendations to improve the electoral process in the future. In addition, the workshop was used to review the information guide for election processes and the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by relevant institutions in April 2016, and facilitated by D4D, with a view to increase the level of cooperation and ongoing institutional coordination.
D4D institute will continue its cooperation with all institutions and political parties with a view to improving the electoral process.
Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D), je organizovao 3-dnevnu radionicu na temu „Izborna pravda i međuinstitucionalna koordinacija u održavanju izbornih procesa”. Na ovoj radionici su učestvovali organi za sprovođenje izbora (Centralna Izborna Komisija i Izborni Panel za Žalbe i Predstavke) kao i pravosudni organi (Državni Tužilac, Sudskog saveta Kosova i Policija Kosova), koji su se još jednom okupili sa zajedničkim ciljem da nastave pozitivan trend poboljšanja izbornog procesa.
Cilj je ove radionice da se nastave zajedničke aktivnosti izbornih i pravosudnih institucija, potpisnica Memoranduma o saradnji. Takođe, glavni je cilj bio da se identifikuju potencijalni nedostaci, kako bi mogli da se otklone na narednim izborima, kao i međuinstitucionalna saradnja mimo izbornog perioda.
Čelnici i predstavnici ovih institucija su izneli da je ova saradnja uvek dobrodošla pošto olakšava i pojašnjava posao svake institucije i jača međuinstitucionalnu saradnju koja je bez ikakve sumnje nužna kako bi se izborni proces ocenio urednim i dobro zaključenim. Po učesnicima, tamo gde je izborni proces do sada funkcionisao dobro, ove prakse moramo ojačati, a na izazovima moramo raditi više.
Tokom obuke, predstavnici institucija su bili u prilici da rade u grupama u vezi sa poukama izvučenim iz izbornog ciklusa, dostignućima i preporukama i da predstave preporuke o načinu na koji se izborni proces može ubuduće poboljšati. Takođe, je razmotren informator o izbornim procesima i Memorandum o saradnji koji su date institucije potpisale aprila 2016. godine, pod posredovanjem Instituta D4D, sa ciljem da se podigne nivo neprekidne saradnje i institucionalne koordinacije.
Institut D4D, će nastaviti dalje saradnju sa svim institucijama i sa političkim strankama, na poboljšanju izbornog procesa.