Training on preventing sexist and racist hate speech with journalists and editors


Democracy for Development (D4D) Institute, on 16 November, held a one-day training on prevention of sexist and racist hate speech with journalists and editors.

Lecturer in this training was Labinot Leposhtica, Legal Office Coordinator, in BIRN Kosovo, and lectured on the legal aspect with the focus on sexist and racist hate speech. During the discussion also there were shared different examples from the past when journalists have used, and how to avoid and not tolerate such an article or report.

In the beginning of this discussion, Allen Meta, project manager in D4D, in opening remarks presented some examples from the monitoring that was done during this year on the sexist and racist hate speech.

This activity is supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF), program ‘EJA Kosovo’, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sweden, and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg