Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) organized a workshop with youth members of political parties in Kosovo on the topic “Political integrity and communication”.
The main purpose of this workshop was the discussion on the importance of political integrity, youth empowerment and staying on the right track during their political journey. During this workshop, the participants were informed about the national principles of political candidates and the behavior they should have during their electoral campaign. Likewise, this workshop has served as a networking and opportunity creation mechanism for cooperation between political parties of various ideologies in Kosovo. The workshop lasted for three days and offered the opportunity for the youth to cooperate with each other and gain valuable information from field experts.

In the first day of this workshop, with lecturer Mr. Kreshnik Gashi from kallxo.com, among others was discussed about: Beginning of Fake News and its history; What is Fake News and Deep Fake? What has impacted its development? The impact of Fake News in everyday life; The impact and spread of Fake News in Kosovo in recent years, with emphasized focus on the use of Fake News for political gains; Identifying and combating Fake News; Methods that can be used for their identification (on TV, portals and social media); Methods for combating this phenomenon and precautions to stop the growth of using Fake News as a tool for gains, etc.

In the 2nd day of the workshop, young men and women participating in the workshop had the chance to expand their knowledge about their appearance and ethical conduct in the public with the lecturer Ms. Albulena Sadiku from BIRN. During this part of the workshop, the lecturing and discussion was also focused on the methods of proper communication with voters in direct meetings (one-on-one and groups) and through social media.

During the third day of the workshop, the lecturing and discussion focused on the appearance with integrity of the young politicians for the greater good with lecturer Ms. Jehona Lushaku, Political Science professor at UP, where the participants had the opportunity to learn more about best practices that should be applied during their political journey. Moreover, during this day the lecture was also focused over the integration of gender equality within political party structures and over anti-corruption education.
In this workshop participated young men and women from the following political parties: New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Self-Determination Movement (LVV), Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA), Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Social Democratic Party (PSD). The participants were from the following municipalities: Pristina, Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Gjilan and Mitrovica.
D4D institute will continue to work closely with all political parties for the empowerment of youth within their structures.