Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) has organized the first visit to Podgorica, between representatives of youth forums of political subjects from Kosovo [Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), and Socialdemocratic Inititiave (NISMA)] and those from Montenegro (Bosniak Party, Liberal Party, URA, Democratic Socialist Party, who are members of the Political Youth Network (PYN).
During the first day, March 23, two meetings were held with representatives of political entities from Montenegro, with Mr. Sead Sahman from the Bosniak Party and Mr. Ammar Borancic of the Liberal Party. During the meeting with Mr. Sahman, representatives from Kosovo had the opportunity to hear more about the structure of the Bosniak Party youth forum, the involvement of non-majority communities in decision-making roles in the current Montenegro government, as well as membership in the PYN network and the benefits for youth of Bosniak Party from this network.
In the meeting with Mr. Borancic, representatives from Kosovo had the opportunity to learn more about the activities of the Liberal Party in Montenegro, their cooperation with various international networks of liberal parties, cooperation with parties in Kosovo that support liberal ideologies, as well as the benefits of young people of Liberal Party from the events that took place within the PYN network.
During the second day, on March 24, two meetings were held: with Mr. Andrija Klikovac from the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), and Mr. Stefan Vukmanovic from the political entity URA. In the meeting with Mr. Klikovac young representatives of political entities from Kosovo had the opportunity to learn more about the activity of the DPS in Montenegro, as the entity that has been in power for the last 30 years, as well as the organization and structure of the youth forum of his political entity. Also, Mr. Klikovac encouraged representatives from Kosovo to join various networks that aim cooperation and development between political entities and young people in politics.
In the meeting with Mr. Vukmanovic, there was discussed more about the challenges of this party as part of the new government in Montenegro, the structure and organization of the youth forum of this party, and the possibility of cooperation between Kosovo political entities that belong to the same ideological policy as the URA.
In the end, the representatives of the political entities from Montenegro expressed their readiness to start a cooperation with their counterparts in Kosovo, and to draft regional policies in order to further develop the political entities they belong to, and to improve the lives of the citizens in the countries of the Balkan region.