Focus group: “Advocacy as a catalyst for public administration reform”


Problems with Public Administration and extremely slow reform from the central level have also been reflected at the local level. Regarding public consultations, their quality at the local level remains low and at the same time is related to transparency, where responses to requirements are only ad-hoc but there is no consistency to efforts to systematize transparency.

On Friday, August 27, 2021, a focus group was held in the Municipality of Mitrovica where the aim was to discuss with the citizens, women assembly members and municipal officials about the services provided by the Public Administration in the Municipality of Mitrovica. The discussion focused on the services provided, digitalization, the importance of participating in public hearings, access to public documents, etc.

One of the main concerns was the low participation of citizens in public hearings despite the great importance. D4D Institute will focus on raising civic awareness for more active participation, which would reflect on addressing their needs and increase transparency.

The focus group was organized within the project ” Advocacy as a catalyst for public administration reform “, funded by the European Union, represented by the European Commission through the project Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration – WeBER 2.0”. managed by the Group for Legal and Political Studies for Kosovo.