Debate with political subjects on economic development and participation of women in labor market


On February 8, the Kosova we want platform held the TV discussion about the vision of political parties for economic development, and in particular the participation of women in the labor market.

From the D4D Institute, part of the panel in this debate was Judita Krasniqi. Gender discrimination in the labor market is something noticeable, and the pandemic has further highlighted the low participation of women in the labor market.

Women’s labor market participation in Kosovo is the lowest in the region. The economic empowerment of women in Kosovo is not only a problem of the economy, but it was seen that the economic empowerment of women also has an impact on other fields, in the position of women in society in general.

Inclusive economic development is impossible if women’s participation in the labor market is ignored.

Mrs. Hykmete Bajrami was also part of the discussion.

The full video can be found at: