D4D launched the paper “Measuring and Evaluating Reintegration Policies”


The Democracy for Development (D4D) Institute on March 21st, 2019 has launched the paper Measuring and Evaluating Reintegration Policies, which aims to analyse the impact of existing policies and support schemes that address the needs of returnees in Kosovo.

In this regard, the report aims to inform stakeholders on the implementation of the existing policies by analysing perceptions, experiences, perspectives for relevant structures, as well as the services provided to returning migrants in Kosovo.

Part of the panel at the launch of the paper were Gersi Gashi, Policy Researcher, Democracy for Development (D4D), Aliriza Arenliu, Author of the paper, Ilir Mazreku, Kosovo Experts Group, Kushtrim Nreci, Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the discussion, regarding the published paper, it was emphasized that the document uses three sources of information: (a) existing data, (b) surveys conducted with the repatriated, and (c) focus groups held with beneficiaries of the schemes. It was also noted that the findings aim to further increase the impact of policies on reintegration of returnees, by providing recommendations based on research findings.

In reflection on the paper, the participants discussed different issues about the challenges faced by the country’s institutions in terms of sustainable reintegration, asserting that Kosovo during the years 2014/2015 had the most focus on urgent reintegration rather than the long-term reintegration. Another challenge was the professional preparation of returnees, as well as unemployment, which makes the process of sustainable reintegration even more difficult.

Generally, as recommendations to be implemented, it was suggested that there needs to be an increased and advanced cooperation between the actors in the field, a modification of the methods for sharing accurate information, as well as an advanced decentralization, hand-in-hand with resources.

This activity is supported by GIZ/DIMAK