Animation – How to activate women in labor market?
To enable women’s greater participations in the labor market, it is very important to tackle the factors that are holding them inactive. To see what mechanisms are crucial in increasing women’s participation in the labor market, see the following animation.
Kako bi se omogućilo šire uključivanje žena na tržište rada, veoma je važno suzbiti sve one faktore koji ih čine neaktivnim. Pogledajte animirani video zapis u nastavku koji prikazuje mehanizme koji utiču na podizanje učešća žena na tržištu rada.
*this animation is in Albanian only.
“The creation of this animation was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development – USAID. The content lies on the responsibility of the Democracy for Development – D4D and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”