D4D institute and MLGA signed a memorandum of cooperation


Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA). The Memorandum aims at researching, analyzing, evaluating and modulating the monitoring and reporting system of MLGA. Provision of research capacities and analysis by D4D aims at strengthening the monitoring capacities of the ministry in relation to the functioning of the municipal bodies, better monitoring of the performance of the work of the municipalities and the organizational units of the Ministry, as well as the improvement of the reporting quality of the organizational units at the Ministry in order to undertake appropriate measures for problems related to the implementation of the work plans. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the D4D Executive Director, Mr. Shpend Emini and the Minister of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, Mr. Ivan Todosijevic.

Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) potpisao sporazum o saradnji sa Ministarstvom Administracije Lokalne Samouprave (MALS). Cilj ovog sporazuma je istraživanje, analiza, procena i modulacija sistema za monitoring i izveštavanje MALS-sa. Pružanje istraživačkih kapaciteta i analiza od strane instituta D4D ima za cilj jačanje kapaciteta za monitoring ministarstva u odnosu na funkcionisanje opštinskih organa, kvalitativno praćenje rezultata rada opština i organizacionih jedinica Ministarstva kao i podizanje kvaliteta izveštavanja organizacionih jedinica Ministarstva u cilju preduzimanja adekvatnih mera za probleme koji se odnose na implementaciju planova rada. Sporazum o saradnji potpisalu su Izvršni direktor D4D, g. Shpend Emini i ministar Ministarstva lokalne samouprave, g. Ivan Todosijević.