On Tuesday, 26th of September 2017, the Tuesday Salon was held with the topic: “To what extend are the Regulatory Authorities independent in Kosovo?”
Opening remarks were delivered by: Jeton Isufi, Railway regulatory authority in Kosovo; Blinera Osmani, Office for Legal and Regulatory Affairs – IPKO, and Burim Ejupi, Executive Director, INDEP. The panelists stressed that the independence of the board of regulatory authorities’ is only achieved as a result of placing professional people in the board, who will be making decisions for the general good. There is a need to regulate laws that would regulate how board members are elected aswell.
Moderation and Op-ed was written by Visar Sutaj, researcher which is written in the Albanian language and can be read here.
This Salon was organized under the project “Role of Regulatory Agencies in Representing public interest in Kosovo” financed by Heinrich Boll Stiftung.