Empowered Women-Empower Women


Support of women for women is an unexplored field in Kosovo which requires a fundamental change in how we view this aspect of support and treatment of this support as a powerful changing mechanism.

In the NGO sector is observed that the competition in the labor market has put more pressure and focus on the skills and experience of the workers rather than the desire to employ women in particular as a sign of support for other women. Nevertheless, in the political sphere especially in local level we see the experience where women felt that they were given a harder time by other women rather than men.

Women who have already achieved their objectives feel a sort of responsibility for other women in the same sector, particularly when they recall their own personal difficulties.

Stereotypes and prejudices common to women in the workplace affect their solidarity and support for each other. The behavior of the “queen bee” is an aspect that arises in the context of these prejudices, showing a competitive dynamic and a lack of solidarity between women. This causes obstacles to create an equal and supportive environment among women in the workplace.

Some newly employed women complain of a lack of support networks when initially entering the workforce. This shows the need for initiatives and programs that promote mentoring and networking among women at work. Organizations and employers have an important role in creating an environment of support and equality at work. Their policies and practices to address sexual harassment, discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion have a major impact on women’s experience in the workplace.

Women entering the labour market today have more opportunities, with increased access to internships and vocational training programs. However, they often face challenges due to the large pool of qualified candidates in the labour market, including workers with relevant knowledge and skills acquired through education abroad.

Balancing between family and professional life and advancing in career often requires women to make profound sacrifices and navigate systemic challenges. Maternity leave underscores persistent inequalities, as women often stay at home to care for their child while men use this time to advance in their careers.

Adopted stereotypes and competition are barriers to equal participation of women in the labor market.

One of the reasons women perceive themselves as enemies rather than allies is the lack of role models and authentic representation.

In environments where career advancement opportunities are limited or highly competitive, women with limited development opportunities perceive other women as rivals to their professional advancement.

The three most significant barriers to women’s leadership in management in Montenegro are: family responsibilities, insufficient general experience in line with management role and society roles assigned for men and women.