Gender representation of political entities in TV debates 10 days prior to the election campaign


As with all elections, D4D monitored TV debates held before and during the election campaign for the early elections for the Assembly of Kosovo, held on February 14 this year.

In the 10 days before the election campaign, 61 TV debates were held with representatives of political entities, others only with analysts. 89 men and 45 women from six (6) election lists participated in the debates. 25 men and 8 women from the Democratic Party of Kosovo, 26 men and 14 women from the Democratic League of Kosovo – New Kosovo Alliance, 3 men and 10 women from the Vetëvendosje Movement – Vjosa List, 17 men and 5 women from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, and 11 men and 2 women from the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA). Other political entities were represented by 7 men and 6 women.

Out of 61 debates, 33 were held with the presence of only men, 6 with the presence of only women, and 22 with the presence of both genders. This is another indication of the lack of gender representation by political entities in televised debates.

Monitoring of TV debates 10 days before the election campaign included the following TV channels: RTK, KTV, TV21, Klan Kosova, Kanal 10, and T7, in the following TV shows: “Desku” “Express”, “Interaktiv”, “Rubikon”, “Info Magazine”, “Edicioni i analizës”, “Politiko”, “Prime time”, “Info 10”, “Pressing”, “Kosova voton”, “Kallxo përnime”, “Debat plus”, “Click”, “Intervistë”, “Studio e hapur”, “Analizë”, “Imazh” and “Debat”.

This infographic was designed with the support of the British Embassy Prishtina


Kao i na svim izborima do sada, i ovog puta je Institut D4D propratio televizijske debate održane pre i tokom predizborne kampanje, za prevremene izbore za Skupštinu Kosova, održane 14. februara ove godine.

U 10 dana pre predizborne kampanje održano je 61 emisija, u kojima su učestvovali predstavnici političkih subjekata, dok su ostale emisije održane samo sa analitičarima/kama.  Od šest (6) izbornih lista, u debatama je učestvovalo 89 muškaraca i 45 žena. Demokratska partija Kosova, 25 muškaraca i 8 žena, Demokratski savez Kosova – Alijansa Novo Kosovo 26 muškaraca i 14 žena, Pokret Samoopredeljenje – Lista Vjosa 3 muškaraca i 10 žena, Alijansa za budućnost Kosova, 17 muškaraca i 5 žena, Socijaldemokratska inicijativa 11 muškaraca i 2 žene. Sa druge strane, iz ostalih političkih subjekata učestvovalo je 7 muškaraca i 6 žena.

Od 61 emisije, 33 je realizovano samo uz učešće muškaraca, 6 samo uz učešće žena a 22 uz učešće oba pola. Ovo takođe ukazuje na rodni disbalans predstavnika političkih subjekata u televizijskim debatama.

Propraćene su debate održane 10 dana pre predizborne kampanje na sledećim televizijama: RTK, KTV, TV21, Klan Kosova, Kanal 10, i T7, i to emisije: „Desku”, „Express”, „Interaktiv”, „Rubikon”, „Info Magazine”, „Edicioni i analizës”, „Politiko”, „Prime time”, „Info 10”,  „Pressing”, „Kosova voton”, „Kallxo përnime”, „Debat plus”, „Click”, „Intervistë”, „Studio e hapur”, „Analizë”, „Imazh” i „Debat”.

Ovaj infografik realizovan je uz podršku Britanske ambasade u Prištini.


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