(Non) Inclusion of Women in the Labor Market


The Covid-19 pandemic has continued to exacerbate the difficulty of women/girls entering the labor market in Kosovo. This is confirmed by the data from the Kosovo Agency of Statistics in the labor market report for 2020.

This infographic presents data on women/girls in the labor market for 2020 and 2019, thus comparing the situation before and after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The presented data show that the number of women of working age has increased, while there has been quite the significant negative growth in the inactivity of women/girls in the labor market, women who are neither currently employed nor seeking employment.

D4D Institute calls upon state institutions to draft specific policies that respond to the current employment situation of women/girls, and a comprehensive approach to drafting a new employment strategy, with cross-sectoral involvement and increased participation of women/girls in the labor market.

This infographic is part of the project “Support for women affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the labor market”, supported by The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD).

Pandemija kovida-19 je nastavila da još više otežava uključenje žena/devojaka na kosovsko tržište rada. Ovo dokazuju i podaci Agencije za statistiku Kosova u izveštaju o tržištu rada za 2020. godinu.

Ovaj infografik predstavlja podatke o ženama/devojkama na tržištu rada za 2020. i 2019. godinu, na taj način poredeći situaciju pre i nakon pojave pandemije kovida-19.

Prikazani podaci pokazuju da se povećao broj radno sposobnih žena, dok je zabeležen veoma veliki negativan rast neaktivnosti žena/devojaka na tržištu rada, koje trenutno nisu u radnom odnosu, ali nisu ni u potrazi za poslom.

Institut D4D poziva državne institucije da izrade posebne politike koje odgovaraju postojećem stanju zaposlenja žena/devojaka i sveobuhvatan pristup u izradi nove strategije za zaposlenje, sa međusektornom inkluzijom i povećanjem učešća žena/devojaka na tržištu rada.

Ovaj infografik deo je projekta „Podrška ženama pogođenim pandemijom KOVIDA-19 na tržištu rada” čiju je realizaciju podržao Balkanski fond za demokratiju” (BTD).


Narratives in Serbian language during November 20203

Assisted Reproduction-IVF Draft-Law

The Visa Suspension