The youth representatives of the political parties had the opportunity to get advanced information on issues affecting human rights, the fight against hate speech and the treatment of misinformation in the digital age, in the workshop organized by D4D with the trainers Kreshnik Gashi and Visar Prebreza.
On the first day of the training, the young people received knowledge on the legal basis that regulates human rights in Kosovo, including the obligations of institutions to deal with discrimination issues on ethnic, gender, racial, religious, economic, etc. At this stage, special attention has been paid to the impact of misinformation in addressing issues related to discrimination.
On the second day of the training, the attendees focused on increasing their capacity to identify hate speech and misinformation, with biggest focus on developing their capacity to react in cases where misinformation and hate speech has appeared in public.
The third day of training, was focused on the part dealing with the legal basis which guarantees freedoms and human rights with a focus on the Constitution of Kosovo, the Law against discrimination, the Law on persons with disabilities, the Law on education, the Law on local government, the Law on languages, where a special emphasis is placed on the criminal treatment of hate speech and issues of media regulation and self-regulation in the treatment of hate speech.
The training also included activities in the community such as visits to certain areas and a lecture activity during the bus journey.
All the participants during the training had the opportunity to test skills in the performance of work tasks under the supervision of the trainers.
This acitity is organized with the financial support of the European Union, within the project “Combating Discrimination, Hate Speech and Gender-Based Violence”. The content of this publication is the responsibility of ATRC, IKS and D4D and in no way, it cannot be considered as the position of the European Union.