We MARCH, we don’t celebrate – Mitrovica


Bashkë me gratë anëtare të Kuvendit të Komunës së Mitrovicës, zyres për barazi gjinore


Together with non-formal group of women members of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica, gender equality office, great support from all organizations, individuals and the college of “MARshojmë S’festojmë”, was held the march in the Municipality of Mitrovica, within the framework of “Marshojmë S’festojmë” that is organized for many years now in Prishtina.

We marched because we do not have anything to celebrate for. Together we sought social and gender justice in Kosovo, by resisting and fighting until we unroot the patriarchal system, which stamps and discriminates women every day.

#USAID #ATRC #MARShojmeSfestojme

#8march #women #womenEmpowerment