Joint Declaration of Civil Society for addressing gaps in Election Legislation


It has been seven years since the start of the electoral reform and has never been completed and there is no substantial change in this regard.

In order to increase citizens representation and the quality of the elected, in order to establish and consolidate fast and sustainable the institutions, in order to ensure more functionality of the political system, transparency and accountability of political parties and easier administration of the electoral process, civil society organizations invite political parties and the Kosovo Assembly to:

• Set the electoral reform as priority on the agenda that addresses the issues noted in past election processes and base the work on analysis and research.
• Ensure that electoral legislation is a reflection of all interest groups, guaranteeing the inclusiveness and respect of the will of all citizens regardless of their gender or ethnicity.
• Consider recommendations from civil society organization and from the election observation missions of local and international organizations.

Civil Society organizations express their willingness to contribute to the process of addressing the election legislation gaps with their expertise to provide free and fair elections in the future.

Signed by:
Demokraci Plus (D+)
Grupi për Studime Juridike dhe Politike (GLPS)
Instituti Demokraci për Zhvillim (D4D)
Instituti Demokratik i Kosovës (KDI)
Instituti i Kosovës për Drejtësi (IKD)
Instituti i Prishtinës për Studime Politike (PIPS)
Instituti Kosovar për Kërkime dhe Zhvillime të Politikave (KIPRED)
Instituti për Politika Zhvillimore (INDEP)
Lëvizja FOL
Organizata “Mundësia”
Organizata per Demokraci, Anti-Korrupsion dhe Dinjitet (ÇOHU!)
Qendra Kosovare për Bashkëpunim Ndërkombëtar (KCIC)
Qendra Kosovare për Studime Gjinore (QKSGJ)
Qendra për Avokim dhe Kulturë Demokratike (ACDC)
Qendra për Paqe dhe Tolerancë (CPT)
Qendra për Politika dhe Avokim (QPA)
Rrjeti Ballkanik i Gazetarisë Hulumtuese (BIRN)
Rrjeti i Grave të Kosovës (RrGK)
Shoqata “Nëna Terezë” (MTS)
Syri i Vizionit