Informative sessions on good governance, this time were organized in municipality of Deçan, with assembly members of this municipality. In this informative session assembly members of Deçan were informed about good governance practices, and the goods that goodgovernance.info has, which can also make their work easier during the municipal assembly sessions.
The “Good Governance” platform has been produces as a need in Kosovo to bring local decision-makers closer to citizens. Given that in Kosovo, many public officials struggle with understanding what good governance means when translated into the everyday tasks they need to exercise and the standards they need to uphold in the exercise of their official duties. This platform is useful in fulfilling the knowledge gap of municipal officials, assisting public representatives and citizens, as both parties will be able to continuously verify the correct functioning of procedures and relations in public institutions.
This activity is supported by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) program ‘Eja Kosovo’, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sweden, and Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.