Serbian below
A good municipality doesn’t govern alone. Citizens of the municipality have the legal right to be part of the policy- and decision- making processes. To be part of these processes, the citizens have in their disposal some mechanisms, which Democracy for Development institute (D4D) has ilustrated through the following animation.
This animation was created within the framework of the “Increased participation for good governance”, financially supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo and implemented by Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) and Center for De-politization of Kosovar Society (CDKD).
Dobra opština ne vlada sama. Građani opštine imaju pravo da budu deo procesa odlučivanja i odlučivanja prema važećim zakonima. Da bi bili deo ovih procesa, građani imaju na raspolaganju nekoliko mehanizama, što je Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) ilustrovao sledećom animacijom.