What is EU’s role in facilitating the dialogue?


On 2 February, the topic of the Tuesday Salon was: ‘What is EU’s role in facilitating the dialogue?’

Opening remarks were delivered by: Samuel Zbogar, Head of the EU office in Kosovo, Joanna Hanson, from New Perspektiva, and Agron Bajrami, editor-in-chief at Koha Ditore. This Salon was moderated by Valerie Hopkins, journalist at BIRN, while the op-ed by Joanna Hanson. Mr. Zbogar considered 2011 as a turning point for Kosovo, when the dialogue process started. Apart from the mediator, EU’s role extends to monitor of the implementation of the agreement which found to be more complicated than thought, Zbogar added. On the other hand, Agron Bajrami stressed that Kosovar institutions should play the main role on facilitating the dialogue. Even though signing SAA is a step forward for Kosova, yet it is less beneficial compared to regional countries with SAA.

This salon is organized in cooperation with New Perspektiva.

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