Fact Checking: Are people aware and do they fact check the news they read?


Fact Checking: Are people aware and do they fact check the news they read? -this was the topic for this Tuesday’s Salon. Part of the panel invited to discuss this topic was: Festim Rizanaj, researcher at Hibrid.info and Dorentina Kastrati, Project Coordinator and researcher at BIRN. Whereas the panel discussion was moderated by Uran Haxha, journalist at Kosovo 2.0.

Festim Rizanaj expressed that people should not follow websites that are suspicious and that the media literacy is important to educate them on what media is and the proper way to get the information.

Whereas, Dorentina Kastrati, has shown that in Facebook exist thousands of accounts that spread fake news, for personal benefits, according to her media literacy should be taught since childhood.

Moreover, she emphasized that people have their own media sources where they get the information, however, with the technology advancing people are getting everything at once.

Furthermore, the panelists have mentioned that the media outlets were professional and careful with the information during the latest situation, however there were some online posts that were not verified.

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