Tuesday’s salon was held with the topic: “Ensuring Integrity: Fact-Checking the Justice System in an Era of Media Misinformation” in the Municipality of Prizren, within the framework of the USAID Kosovo‘s Justice Activity in Kosovo project.
Invited to the panel to discuss this topic were: Marcel Lekaj, Office for information and communication with the Media – Basic Court, Prizren; Valtida Shukriu, Lawyer and Fisnik Minci, Journalist and Activist in Prizren. Whereas the salon was moderated by Tringa Kasemi, Center for Equality and Justice.
During this salon it was emphasized the importance of creating an institution for verifying news, as the false information is damaging the image of institutions in the country and undermining citizens’ trust in Justice institutions. Therefore, it was requested to take into consideration on applying some of the solutions for verifying information that the region countries have created as a start example. It was also emphasized that the courts take an increasingly active role in the transmission of information to the public.