Challenges and needs of single mothers during/after pandemics


The pandemic and the measures taken by the Government to prevent its spread have affected many spheres of life and have worsened the lives of various social groups. The needs of single mothers are not necessarily reflected in institutional actions during the lockdown and at the time of its release. The effects of pandemics have further enhanced their challenges.

A number of single mothers  faced job losses or wage cuts. Others who have worked from home have faced the burden of caring for and educating their children while having to carry out their work responsibilities remotely. Restriction of movement has increased the challenge of food supply, especially in cases where they happened to be among the citizens whose movement schedule was in the evening. Being alone with their children, at the time of increased possibility of illness heightened their stress and made some of them prepare their children for how to act in such emergency situations.

At the time of easing restrictive measures which do not include opening nurseries, employed single mothers face the difficulty of caring for children. Their jobs are not always flexible and require a presence in the workplace. With the economic crisis caused by pandemics, their employers are not always understanding. Engaging caregivers for children is costly and carries the fear of bringing the virus home.

The discussion on the topic “Challenges and needs of self-sufficient mothers in time (after) pandemics” was conducted by Arjeta Gashi – Director of the Association of Separated Parents, Nora Hasani – Single mother and moderated by Mirishahe Syla, Gender Advisor, SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research. The editorial will be written by Dafina Halili, journalist in Kosovo 2.0.

This activity was part of the project “Enhance Women’s Access to Employment” supported by the Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina

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