Youth Involvement in ensuring that Municipalities Address their Concerns!

(Serbian below)

After discussions with young people from different municipalities, which resulted in the Youth Manifesto 2017, D4D has identified a number of the key issues young people face in their community. D4D, together with the youth of political entities and the informal group “US” – composed of Municipal Assembly Members from various municipalities – has advocated for solutions to these issues, with some already addressed by municipalities, as shown in the following infographic:

This infographic was implemented under the “Youth participation with political integrity” Project, with support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Zagovaranje mladih za rešavanje njihovih problema na nivou opština!

Nakon diskusija sa mladićima/devojkama u različitim opštinama, D4D je 2017. godine u Manifestu mladih identifikovao nekoliko ključnih problema mladih u njihovoj zajednici. D4D je zajedno sa mladićima/devojkama iz političkih subjekata i neformalnom grupom odbornika iz različitih opština „MI” zagovarao njihovo rešavanje pri opštinama, već nekoliko godina, a posledično je na neke od njih već odgovoreno, kao što je prikazano na infografiku koji sledi u nastavku:

Ovaj infografik realizovan je u sklopu projekta „Učešće mladih od političkog integriteta”, uz podršku Nacionalne zadužbine za demokratiju (NED).


Public Service Delivery Time in the Municipality of Podujeva

Use of Digital Services in the Municipality of Podujeva

How do citizens rate their experience with public administration in the Municipality of Podujevo?