Gender Segregation of the Labor Market


KAS data over the years have shown a deep gender segregation of the labor market. Low active participation of women in the labor market, concerning high percentage of inactive women, low number of employed women, which shows that the labor market in Kosovo is not a friendly environment for women. The latest data of the second quarter of 2021 have shown that this situation is only getting worse. Compared to the first three months of 2021, 12,761 women have left the labor market, 12,937 more women are inactive, while only 687 women have found jobs.


Podaci ASK duž godina ukazuju na dubok rodni jaz na tržištu rada. Nizak nivo aktivnog učešća žena, zabrinjavajuće visok procenat neaktivnih žena, mali broj zaposlenih žena, ukazuje da tržište rada na Kosovu nije naklonjeno ženama. Poslednji podaci za drugo tromesečje 2021. godine ukazuju da se ova situacija samo još više pogoršava. U odnosu na prvo tromesečje 2021. godine, 12,761 žena napustilo je tržište rada, 12,937 više žena je neaktivno, dok je samo 687 žena našlo posao.



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