According to you, how informed are you of the work of your municipality?


Improvement of the communication channels between municipalities and citizens is necessary for a good local governance. Informing citizens should be obligatory for the Municipality, because that showcases the level of transparency of the governance. But, the informing of citizens is not being done at the desired level, and that has been proved by the latest survey conducted in June 2019 by Democracy for Development institute (D4D). The sample of this survey was 1074 respondent in the entire territory of Kosovo, from which 50.5% men and 49.5% women.

According to the survey, only 6.4% of the respondents have stated that they are well-informed about the word of the Municipality, while 28.7% of them stated that hey aren’t informed at all.

All the answers of the respondents have been presented through the following infographic.

The research was conducted within the framework of “Increased participation for good governance” project, financially supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo and implemented by Democracy for Development institute (D4D) and CDKD Center for Kosovo Society Depolitization.

Poboljšanje kanala komunikacije između opština i građana nužno je za dobru lokalnu upravu. Opština mora imati obavezu da informiše građane, pošto to ukazuje na nivo transparentnosti te uprave. Međutim, građani nisu informisani u poželjnoj meri, što potvrđuje i poslednje istraživanje koje je juna 2019. godine realizovao institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D). Uzorak za ovo istraživanje činilo je 1074 ispitanika sa cele teritorije Kosova, rodnog sastava od 50.5% muškaraca i 49.5% žena.

Iz istraživanja se zaključuje da je samo 6.4% ispitanika izjavilo da su dobro informisani o radu Opštine, dok je njih 28.7% izjavilo da nisu uopšte informisani.

Potpuni odgovori ispitanika su predstavljeni u infografici koja sledi u nastavku.

Istraživanje je realizovano u sklopu projekta “Šire učešće za dobro upravljanje”, koji je omogućen finansijskom podrškom Ambasade Kraljevine Holandije a koji realizuju Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) i Centar za depolitizaciju kosovskog društva (CDKD).


Narratives in Serbian language during November 20203

Assisted Reproduction-IVF Draft-Law

The Visa Suspension