Legal framework and economic independence: The importance of legal protection, policies and support services in guaranteeing women’s economic security and providing ways to escape abuse


The Democracy for Development Institute, during this week, held the Tuesday Salon with the theme “Legal framework and economic independence: The importance of legal protection, policies and support services in guaranteeing women’s economic security and providing ways to escape abuse” .

To discuss this topic invited to the panel were: Edi Gusia, Chief Executive of Kosovo’s Agency for Gender Equality, Adelina Sahiti, The Director of Social Welfare in the Municipality of Pristina, and Judita Krasniqi, Researcher and Project Manager at D4D, while moderation was done by Kadri Gashi, Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research.

During this salon, it was emphasized that recent cases of domestic violence that ended in murder are happening because of a lack of women’s awareness of their rights, and in order to emancipate society, the laws regarding legal discrimination must be put into operation. Women in our country lack security, and violence against women has become a problem in our society.

This salon is organized with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Prishtina Office (FES) in Kosovo.

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