The Visa Suspension


“I want to make it clear that we trusted you on the visa issue. The matter has been suspended by France due to commitments made and the subsequent lack of respect for these commitments. I expect all parties to commit to progress, which is a prerequisite for peace in the region.” This is the official translation published on the Prime Minister of Albania’s official website. Referring to recent events in the north, Macron started that the commitment of both countries to stabilize the situation in the north is not being upheld. However, he did not mention that visas would be suspended as a result.

Many media in Kosovo and Albania, including social networks and online portals, have spread the news that France suspends visas for Kosovo. Some of the media have corrected the news and some others have continued to keep the news misinterpreted. The impact of a piece of information with the content of information disorder can be seen in this case where even public figures in Kosovo react harshly against the government of Kosovo for the “suspension of visas”.

About 40 media have posted articles about “suspension of visas” and have accumulated about 4294 interactions.

This infographic was prepared by the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) within the project “Coverage and Understandability of the Information Disorder in Kosovo”, which is supported by NDI and USAID in Kosovo.


Sensational Headlines and Conspiracy Theories

Return of previously published news articles as current events

Narratives in Serbian language during November 2023