Youth participation in decision-making: Where it stalks and where it is implemented?


Youth should take more active role in society. It needs to be a clear agenda of change, which it should impose on society, so it was said in the Tuesday Salon, organized by Democracy for Development (D4D) Institute, at the Castle of the City in the Municipality of Vushtrri.

It was also said that local and central government should prioritize the realization of the needs of young people and other groups of society. According to what was discussed, youth should be stimulated, to have an clear vision of what they want to achieve at least for the next 5 years. In addition, panelists emphasized the need for cooperation, self-initiative citizenship, but also the creation of spaces for youth in decision-making.

Part of the panel, where was discussed on the topic “Youth participation in decision-making: Where it stalks and where it is implemented?” were: Mayor of Vushtrri, Mr. Xhafer Tahiri; Executive Director of Access NGO, Arianit Jashari, and Project Coordinator at Hareja Youth Center, Dafina Lutolli.

This salon was moderated by Leutrim Latifi from the Youth Assembly, while the editorial will be written by Drita Dibrani, the leader of the Local Youth Action Council (KVRL).

This salon was supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

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