Transitional Justice in Kosovo – Where do we stand 25 years after the war?


The Democracy for Development Institute has held the Tuesday’s Salon with the topic: Transitional Justice in Kosovo- Where do we stand 25 years after the war?

To discuss on this topic, D4D invited the panelists: Bekim Blakaj Excecutive Director – Humanitarian Law Center Kosova, Selvi Izeti – The Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Trorture Victims, Prof. Ass. Dr. Gjylbehare Murati – University “Haxhi Zeka”, and Blerim Halili- Institute for Crimes Committed During the War in Kosovo.

During the discussion it was emphasized the importance of the Transitional Justice, which helps a post-war society and addresses war victims’ needs in order for that society to develop and build peace and reconciliation in between parties in conflict.

This salon was supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

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