Technology vs Anti-Corruption: How can a webpage or an app empower citizens?

15.03.2016 D4D

On March 15, the topic of the Salon was: Technology vs Anti-Corruption: How can a webpage or an app empower citizens?

Opening remarks were delivered by: Muhedin Nushi, Director of Administration, Municipality of Prishtina, Armend Vokshi, Director of the Department of General Administration and Personnel, Municipality of Gjakova, Zana Tabaku, CEO, Appdec, and Valon Canhasi, Social Media Strategist. Panelists said the Information and Communication Technology community have been trying to propose some of alternatives to empower citizens by offering open data, transparency in digital footprint, more access Easy and automated processes through personal internet phones. However, without the will of change and the profiteering in the epicenter, these alternatives do not have much benefit.

The salon was moderated by Çelik Nimani, Managing Partner and COO, Appsix, and the op-ed was written by Lorik Mullaademi, Project Manager, STIKK.

Anti-Corruption salon series, which will be organized in cooperation with UNDP Kosovo Anti-Corruption Programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Kosovo.


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