Graduates of vocational schools: Where, if not, at university?

18.10.2016 D4D

On Tuesday, October 18, salon was held on the subject: “Graduates of vocational schools: Where, if not, at university?”

The panelists emphasized that it is not important whether the knowledge and skills are taken formally or formally, as long as the candidates have practical skills and meet the demands of the labor market. Although the topic of unemployment requires another more detailed discussion, a large part of economists and experts in the field think that the high unemployment in Kosovo is related to the lack of market needs with the skills of the workforce – structural unemployment. And when we are talking about the skills, the key role here is education and especially professional education. Panelists also stressed that vocational schools do not have good education conditions, so students are obliged in one way or another to continue their education at the university.

Salon was moderated by Ermira Ajeti and the editorial was written by Dren Pozhegu.

Editorial for this salon is written in the Albanian language and can be read here.

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