On December 15, 2017, the Salon in Gjakova was held on the topic: “Parental Leave: Does it contribute to Gender Equality?”
An informative and encouraging opening was made by: Fatos Axhemi, Executive Director of Jakova Innovation Center; Aulona Mehmeti, activist and Mimoza Shala, assembly members at the Municipal Assembly in Gjakova. The panelists emphasized that leaving the biological differences between the woman and the man, the latter did not have any obstacles to caring for his child. Eating, changing clothes, all of this can be done by a man. Encouraging paternity leave gives financial incentives which would allow women to return to their workplaces faster and thus reduce the risk of becoming unemployed, getting a lower page, or lowering in position after returning to work.
This salon was moderated by Eli Bytyqi and the editorial was written by Pylljon Nura, Non-Governmental Organization – “INNO” – Gjakova.