Have you ever heard of Employment Office in your Municipality?


The D4D Institute has recently conducted a field research related to the citizens’ knowledge of Employment Offices. The data is offered through infographics.

This research has been conducted as part of the project “Enhancing women’s access to employment”, supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.

Institut D4D nedavno je realizovao istraživanje na terenu u vezi sa saznanjima građana o kancelarijama za zapošljavanje.

Ovi podaci slede u infografikama. Istraživanje je realizovano u sklopu projekta pod nazivom „Povećanje pristupa žena zapošljavanju”, koji je omogućen podrškom kraljevske norveške ambasade u Prištini.


Why don’t more women run for political office in our country?

Women in Labour Market

Sensational Headlines and Conspiracy Theories