The Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) conducted a survey on the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s employment. The results show that the vast majority of respondents believe that the pandemic has made it difficult for women to find employment. Respondents with lower personal income levels as well as those unemployed believe that the difficulty of employing women after the pandemic is very high.
This infographic was produced under “Increasing Women’s access to Employment” project, funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.
Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) je realizovao anketu o efektu pandemije kovid – 19 na zapošljavanje žena. Rezultati pokazuju da velika većina ispitanika veruje da je pandemija otežala zapošljavanje žena. Ispitanici sa niskim ličnim dohocima kao i nezaposleni, veruju da se žene suočavaju sa velikim poteškoćama da nađu posao nakon pandemije.