How has COVID-19 pandemic impacted your workplace? / Kakav je uticaj imala pandemija KOVIDA-10 na vašem radnom mestu?


The following infographic highlights key data from a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on the labor market. As expected, the pandemic has had considerable economic consequences, respectively on young workers. Data shows that over 60% of the respondents aged 18-34 have been impacted negatively by the pandemic in one way or another.

This infographic is part of the “Data 4 Women – Addressing COVID-19 Impact on Women’s Labor Rights” Project, supported by the @Balkan Trust for Democracy, a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. 


Sledeći infografik ističe ključne podatke iz istraživanja o uticaju kovida-19 na tržište rada. Kao što je očekivano, pandemija je imala značajne ekonomske posledice, posebno na mlade radnike. Podaci pokazuju da više od 60% ispitanika starosti od 18-34 godine je bilo izloženo negativnom uticaju pandemije, na jedan ili drugi način.

Ovaj infografik priređen je u sklopu projekta „Data 4 Women – Odgovor na uticaj KOVIDA-19 na radnička prava žena”, koji je omogućen podrškom organizacije @Balkan Trust for Democracy, projekta German Marshall fonda iz SAD-a. 


Why don’t more women run for political office in our country?

Women in Labour Market

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