Did you have contact with the employment office during the pandemic?


The Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) conducted a survey on the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s employment. Most respondents from both genders indicate that they have contacted employment offices as a result of losing their jobs as well as to benefit from the Fiscal Emergency Package.

This infographic was produced under “Increasing Women’s access to Employment” project, funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.

Institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) je realizovao anketu o efektu pandemije kovid – 19 na zapošljavanje žena. Većina ispitanika oba pola istakla je da su kontaktirali kancelarije za zapošljavanje, kao posledica gubitka svojih radnih mesta i kako bi ostvarili pogodnosti Hitnog fiskalnog paketa.
Ova info grafika je realizovana u okviru projekta “Povećanje pristupa žena u zaposlenju”, koji podržava Ambasada Kraljevine Norveške u Prištini.


Narratives in Serbian language during November 20203

Assisted Reproduction-IVF Draft-Law

The Visa Suspension