Response regarding the accusations addressed to the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, Mrs. Valdete Daka


We, Civil Society Organizations, call on the political parties to put an end to the pressure and attacks on the Institution of the Central Election Commission (CEC), and ensure that the CEC is free to conduct its work in line with the legal and constitutional provisions. CEC implements the law, and any person who is not satisfied should pursue legal action against its decisions, rather than resort to pressure through public statements.

CEC takes its decisions in a collegium of all members. The collegium consists of the Chair and ten members, six coming from largest Assembly Caucuses, and four representing smaller communities in Kosovo.  The Central Election Commission (CEC) was established in accordance with Article 139 of the Constitution of Kosovo, and is a permanent independent body. As an institution, CEC exercises its functions and duties in accordance with Law No. 03/L-073 on General Elections in the Republic of Kosovo, and the Law No. 03/L-072 on Local Elections in the Republic of Kosovo,  as well as election rules of the Central Election Commission, approved on 02.07.2013.

Hence, these are not individual decisions of the CEC Chairperson, Mrs. Valdete Daka. CEC has submitted the lists of candidates of political entities to the Kosovo Judicial Council, for checks by this institution for persons who have been found guilty of a criminal offense, with a final court decision, in the last three (3) years, in accordance with Article 29 of the Election Law.

Ultimately, the CEC is yet to take decision, which is why this is construed as undue pressure to influence the decision-making of the institution.

Therefore, the undersigned organizations call on political parties to put a stop to the pressures and language that can lead to threats and attacks against independent constitutional bodies and their heads.

Democracy for Development (D4D)
Democracy Plus(D+)
Kosova Democratic Institute / Transparency International Kosova
FOL Movement
Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo
Kosovo Stability Initiative – IKS
Initiative for Progress – INPO
Institute for Development Policy (INDEP)
Riinvest Institute
Policy and Advocacy Center (QPA)
Kosova Women’s Network
Organizata Çohu / Preportr
EC Ma Ndryshe
Cel Kosovo
OJQ Plejada
Debate Center
Group for Legal and Political Studies
Kosovar Gender Studies Center
Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS)
Shqipe Gjocaj – Civil Society Activist
Krenar Shala – Civil Society Activist

Reakcija povodom optužbi na račun predsedavajuće Centralne izborne komisije, gđe Valdete Daka

Mi, organizacije civilnog društva, pozivamo političke stranke da zaustave pritisak i napade na instituciju Centralne izborne komisije (CIK) i da ovoj instituciji daju slobodu i prostora da obavlja svoj posao u skladu sa zakonskim i ustavnim odredbama. CIK sprovodi zakon i svako svoja nezadovoljstva ovim odlukama mora rešavati pravnim putem, a ne vršiti pritisak svojim javnim izjavama.

CIK donosi odluke u kolegijumu, koji se sastoji od svih jedanaest (11) članova: predsedavajućeg/e i deset (10) ostalih članova, koji se imenuju iz reda nominacija šest (6) najvećih poslaničkih grupa u Skupštini Kosova, dok četiri (4) člana predstavljaju manje zajednice na Kosovu. Centralna izborna komisija (CIK) osnovana je u skladu sa članom 139. Ustava Kosova i stalno je nezavisno telo. CIK kao institucija obavlja svoju funkciju i dužnosti u skladu sa Zakonom br. 03/L-073 o opštim izborima u Republici Kosovo i Zakonom br. 03/L-072 o lokalnim izborima u Republici Kosovo. Takođe, i u skladu sa izbornim pravilima Centralne izborne komisije usvojenim 02.07.2013.

Shodno tome, donete odluke ne predstavljaju individualne odluke predsedavajuće Komisije, gđe Valdete Daka, imajući u vidu da je CIK kao institucija, dostavio liste kandidata političkih subjekata Sudskom savetu Kosova, od koga je dobio odgovor o licima koja su pravosnažnom sudskom odlukom u poslednje tri (3) godine proglašena krivim za krivično delo, u skladu sa članom 29. Zakona o izborima.

Iznad svega, CIK još uvek nije doneo svoju odluku, te ovo predstavlja i vid pritiska i uticaja na odlučivanje ove institucije.

Stoga, dolenavedene organizacije pozivaju političke stranke da zaustave pritisak i svaki vid izražavanja koji mogu dovesti do pretnji i napada na nezavisna ustavna tela i njihove čelnike.

Demokratija za razvoj (D4D)
Demokratija Plus (D+)
Kosova Democratic Institute / Transparency International Kosova
Pokret FOL
Fond za humanitarno pravo Kosovo
Kosovska inicijativa za stabilnost – IKS
Inicijativa za napredak – INPO
Institute for Development Policy (INDEP)
Institut Riinvest
Centar za politike i zagovaranje (QPA)
Mreža žena Kosova
Organizacija Çohu / Preportr
EC Ma Ndryshe
Cel Kosovo
NVO Plejada
Debate Center
Group for Legal and Political Studies
Kosovar Gender Studies Center
Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS)
Shqipe Gjocaj – aktivistkinja civilnog društva
Krenar Shala – aktivista civilnog društva