Developments in the North


During the period of September 24-28, the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) monitored online media and social media about the developments in the north in both Albanian and Serbian languages.

During those four days, more than 100 articles were analyzed, of which 50 have resulted with information disorder, whereas, in the infographic below are some of the examples with the most interactions.

This infographic was drafted by the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) as part of the “Comprehensibility and Understandability of Information Disorder in Kosovo,” Project, supported by NDI and USAID in Kosovo. The content and views expressed in this document are the responsibility of the Democracy for Development Institute and do not necessarily reflect the position of NDI Kosovo.


Sensational Headlines and Conspiracy Theories

Return of previously published news articles as current events

Narratives in Serbian language during November 2023