What do candidates offer for youth of Peja?

12.10.2017 D4D

Salon with candidates for Mayor of Peja was held on October 12, 2017 with the topic “What do candidates offer for youth of Peja?”

Informative and encouraging opening was done by: Bashkim Nurboja, Vetevendosje Movement and Sali Kelmendi, NISMA for Kosovo. Candidates in their plans for young people had special focus on education, improving quality at all educational levels ranging from elementary to university studies. In the framework of the education program, they promised health visits for pupilss, food meals, providing funds for new books and for teachers, new libraries, and building laboratories as an essential tool for linking theoretical and practical instruction.

This salon was moderated by Vullnet Sanaja, Executive Director, Anibar and the editorial was written by Arba Hatashi.

“This project was funded through a U.S. Embassy, Pristina grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the Author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State.”

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