What are the main reasons that people in Kosovo do not have jobs? / Koji su glavni razlozi što ljudi na Kosovu nemaju posao?

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To tackle this topic, Democracy for Development Institute conducted public opinion survey in September 2018. The sample of 1066 respondents were chosen with the systematic random method, where 49,9% were men and 50,1 were women.

The research has shown that 30.1 percent of all respondents see nepotism and familiarity as the main factors affecting the jobs market in Kosovo. Within this percentage, 76.6 percent belongs to the age group of 35-44 years.

Furthermore, 25.5 percent of respondents think that hiring on the basis of party affiliation is the main reason for the lack of jobs. The research has also found that 14.5 percent of respondents think that the lack of job vacancies for certain professions is the reason why the citizens in Kosovo are jobless. The age group 18-24 years comprise 39.2 percent of this percentage. Education is another reason why people think that there are no jobs in Kosovo. 11.9 percent of respondents think that the school does not provide the skills needed for the labor market. Within this percentage, 32.6 percent belongs to the age group 18-24 and 31.5 percent to the age group 25-34.

Conclusively, gender-based discrimination by 7.1 percent and discrimination on ethnic grounds by 2.1 percent were considered as the main reasons by respondents for the lack of jobs.

U vezi ove teme, institut Demokratija za razvoj (D4D) je tokom septembra 2018, sproveo istraživanje javnog mnjenja sa 1066 ispitanika izabrano metodom slučajnog uzorka, od toga 49,9% su muškarci a 50,1% žene.

O tome, istraživanje zaključuje da 30.1% ispitanika vidi nepotizam i familijarnost kao glavni razlog zašto nemaju posao. U okviru ovog procenta, 76,6% pripadaju starosnoj grupi od 35-44 godina.

25.5% ispitanika da je zapošljavanje zasnovano na partijskoj pripadnosti, je glavni razlog nedostatka poslova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da 14,5% ispitanika misli da nedostaje slobodna radna mesta za određene profesije, je razlog zašto ljudi na Kosovu nemaju poslove. Starosna grupa 18-24 godina čini 39.2% ovog procenta. Obrazovanje je još jedan razlog zašto ljudi misle da na Kosovu nema poslova. 11.9% ispitanika smatra da škola ne pruža veštine potrebne za tržište rada. U okviru ovog procenta, 32.6% pripadaju grupi od 18 do 24 godine i 31.5% grupe od 25 do 34 godina.

Diskriminacija zasnovana na rodnoj pripadnosti od 7.1% i etnička diskriminacija sa 2.1% ispitanici vide kao glavni razlog zašto ljudi na Kosovu nemaju poslova.


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