Final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia / Konačan sporazum Kosova i Srbije


Kosovo’s European perspective as well as Serbia’s membership in the European Union is conditioned with reaching a final agreement between two countries. Through this agreement that is expected to be the result of the last phase of dialogue, Kosovo and Serbia aim to achieve the normalization of their relations.

Reaching a political and national consensus in Kosovo for the signing of this final agreement becomes harder with the possible implementation of the conditions that potentially could threaten Kosovo’s sovereignty. According to the opinion research made in June 2018, 65.2% (67.1% Albanians, 20% Serbs) of Republic of Kosovo citizens think that the final agreement with Serbia shouldn’t be signed, if this agreement doesn’t include the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia. In contrary to that, 17.7% (16.1% Albanian, 58% Serb) of citizens give their approval for the signing of this agreement even without the formal recognition of Kosovo.

This research was conducted during June 2018. Representative sample with 1074 respondents (51.5% men and 48.5% women).

Evropska perspektiva Kosova i članstvo Srbije u Evropsku uniju uslovljavaju se postizanjem konačnog sporazuma između dve države. Ovim sporazumom za koji se očekuje da proistekne kao rezultat poslednje runde dijaloga, Kosovo i Srbija imaju za cilj da postignu normalizaciju odnosa.

Postizanje političkog i nacionalnog konsenzusa na Kosovu oko ovog konačnog sporazuma još je teže primenjivanjem mogućih uslova koji potencijalno mogu ugroziti suverenitet Kosova. Prema istraživanju javnog mnjenja sprovedenom juna 2018, 65.2% (67.1% albanci, 20% srbi) građana Republike Kosovo smatra da ne treba potpisivati konačan sporazum sa Srbijom, ukoliko ovaj sporazum ne sadrži priznavanje Kosova od strane Srbije. Sa druge strane, samo 17.7% (16.1% albanci, 58% srbi) ističe da se slaže sa mogućim potpisivanjem ovog sporazuma i bez formalnog priznavanja Kosova.

Istraživanje javnog mnjenja sprovedeno tokom juna meseca 2018. Reprezentativni uzorak sa 1074 ispitanika (51.5% muškaraca i 48.5% žena).


Narratives in Serbian language during November 20203

Assisted Reproduction-IVF Draft-Law

The Visa Suspension