• English

Starting from Scratch: The Role of Media Assistance in the Establishment of Independent Media Institutions in Kosovo

14.01.2014 D4D Naser Miftari

The first three sections of this report build substantially on various evaluations of Kosovo media programs, and analyses, progress reports and research studies on the Kosovo media situation. In addition to the literature review, the research further builds on primary data received from 16 interviews with representatives of media institutions, journalists, civil society activists and academics in the period between December 2012 and March 2013. The feedback from these interviews is mainly reflected in the “Case Studies” section of the report (see Appendix 1 for the list of interviewees).

Under the Case Studies section the research investigates the ways in which three media institutions – Independent Media Commission (IMC); Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) and the Press Council of Kosovo (PCK) – established in the aftermath of conflict with considerable foreign media assistance – have evolved. The independence and long-term sustainability of RTK and IMC are important conditions that the Kosovo government must ensure11 as it moves closer towards the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU.12 As such, these institutions are a cornerstone for a sound media system in Kosovo. Understanding how the autonomy and functionality of these institutions have evolved over time and in what ways donor strategies have influenced the development of those institutions, is central to the scope of this research. The report concludes with a discussion of the research findings and some final considerations on the current status of the Kosovo’s media institutions (section five).

This paper is in English only.