Incentives4Reform: Increasing opportunities for VET students and graduates in the labour market

10.01.2017 Jehona Serhati

This research based paper analyzes the provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Kosovo with a highlighted focus on the upper-secondary VET system that operates under the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST) and under the Agency for Vocational Education and Training, and Adult Education. Additionally, the possibilities for cooperation and synergies with the Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) – that fall under the responsibility of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW) – in filling the gaps of one another are elaborated as well.

Provided that the VET system as such is rather complex, the paper at hand presents, analyses and elaborates main issues at stake in the system and the surrounding by looking at the key aspects that shape the world of vocationally trained in their pursuit for further training, education and labour market opportunities.

This paper was prepared with editing contribution by: Abby Riley.