D4D organized the activity: ‘Peer Women4Development’


Democracy for Development Institute (D4D), organized the event ‘Peer Women for development’. The activity aimed to provide young women with the opportunity to get acquainted with successful women’s experience in areas of production, services and entrepreneurship, as a way to motivate young women to become active in the labor market.

Shpend Emini, Executive Director of D4D Institute, underlined that women’s participation in the workforce continues to be low and that the number of women working in the labor market is considerably lower compared to countries in the region and wider. Various incentives for activating women in the labor market that have been promoted in different states should also be promoted in Kosovo in order to promote effective mechanisms to contribute to the well-being of women and society. Martina Perino of the USAID mission said that women should not stop before difficulties of getting employed. Women are part of the economy and state development and should therefore be considered as equal in  the labor market. Linda Shala, Vice President of the Women’s Economic Chamber – G7, said that despite gender based discrimination, women should work more devotedly, firstly for personal interest and further to the well-being of the whole society.

The latest data in Kosovo show that about 80.2% of women are inactive in the labor market. Being out of work is not only hindering the overall economic development in the country, but it also damages the overall position of women in society. D4D’s recent research indicates that women who want to be part of the market want to have equal treatment with men and have the same pay for the same work.

Discussions and networking panels have had successful representatives of women in the field of production, services and new entrepreneurs, including:  Syzana Aliu, Magic Ice; Besa Berisha, Univerzum Audit; Melita Ymeraga, Melita&Partners; Donjeta Sahatçiu, Rrota; Gëzime Rexhepi – Çollaku, Bardha; Venera Biçaku, Jetë o Jetë; Annea Hapçiu, KosovaLive360; Leana Mahmuti, Le Arch and Zana Idrizi, Girls Coding Kosova.

This activity is supported by ‪#‎EngagementforEquity Program – #E4E, financed by United States Agency for International Development USAID Kosovo, and supported by Advocacy Training and Resource Center – ATRC


Institut za demokratiju za razvoj (D4D), organizovao je aktivnost ‘Žene vršnjakinje za razvoj’. Cilj aktivnosti je bio da se mladim ženama omogući upoznavanje sa uspešnim ženskim iskustvom u oblastima proizvodnje, usluga i preduzetništva. Ovo služi kao način za motivisinja mladih žena da postanu aktivne na tržištu rada.

Špend Emini, izvršni direktor Instituta D4D, istakao je da je učešće žena u radnoj snazi i dalje nizak, i da podaci pokazuju da je broj žena koje rade na tržištu rada znatno niže u poređenju sa zemljama u regionu i šire. Na Kosovu treba promovisati i različite podsticaje za aktiviranje žena na tržištu rada koji su promovisani u različitim državama kako bi se promovisali efikasni mehanizmi koji bi doprineli dobrobiti žena i društva. Martina Perino iz misije USAID-a izjavila je da žene ne bi trebalo da odustaju od zapošljavanja uprkos izazovima. Žene su deo ekonomije i razvoja države i zbog toga se moraju smatrati ravnopravnim na tržištu rada. Linda Shala, potpredsednica Ženske ekonomske komore – G7, rekla je da, uprkos diskriminaciji zasnovanom na polu, žene bi trebale raditi više posvećeno, prije svega zbog ličnog interesa i daljeg blagostanja čitavog društva.

Najnoviji podaci na Kosovu pokazuju da je oko 80,2% žena neaktivno na tržištu rada. Biti van posla ne samo da ometa ukupan ekonomski razvoj zemlje, već i šteti ukupnom položaju žena u društvu. Nedavno istraživanje D4D ukazuje da žene koje žele biti dio tržišta žele da imaju ravnopravan tretman sa muškarcima i da imaju istu platu za isti posao.

Diskusije i paneli za umrežavanje su imali uspešne predstavnike žena u oblasti proizvodnje, usluga i novih preduzetnika, uključujući: Suzanu Aliu, Magic Ice; Besa Beriša, Univerzum Audit; Melita Imeraga, Melita & Partners; Donjeta Sahatciu, Rrota; Gezime Rexhepi – Collaku, Bardha; Venera Bicaku, Jete o Jete; Annea Hapciu, KosovaLive360; Leana Mahmuti, Le Arch i Zana Idrizi, GirlsCoding Kosova.

Ovaj aktivnost je podržan od Programa Angažovanje za Jednakost – #E4E, finansiran od Agencija Sjedinjenih Država za Međunarodni Razvoj – USAID, i sprovoden od Centar za Obuku, Zastupanje i Resurse – ATRC.